Cancellation & Return Policy
Cancellation before shipment
If you want to cancel your order before the items/order has been shipped, simply write to us on and we'll help you with the cancellation at the earliest.
Your money will be refunded within 24-48 business hours after we process the cancellation from our end.
Cancellation post shipment
Due to the situation, we are currently not accepting any order cancellations once the item/order has been shipped from our end.
We're currently not accepting any returns or replacements on food products (including but not limited to, teas, breakfast cereal), and safety essentials. This is to ensure safety for all of us.
In case you've received a damaged product, we request you to write to us at Provided the product is unopened (in case of a food product) & unused (in case of a home decor product).
Our team will help you out with the damaged product by either offering a replacement or refunding the full amount to you. The shipping fee paid by you shall be given to you as a credit for your next purchase.
Cancellation before shipment
If you want to cancel your order before the items/order has been shipped, simply write to us on and we'll help you with the cancellation at the earliest.
Your money will be refunded within 24-48 business hours after we process the cancellation from our end.
Cancellation post shipment
Due to the situation, we are currently not accepting any order cancellations once the item/order has been shipped from our end.
We're currently not accepting any returns or replacements on food products (including but not limited to, teas, breakfast cereal), and safety essentials. This is to ensure safety for all of us.
In case you've received a damaged product, we request you to write to us at Provided the product is unopened (in case of a food product) & unused (in case of a home decor product).
Our team will help you out with the damaged product by either offering a replacement or refunding the full amount to you. The shipping fee paid by you shall be given to you as a credit for your next purchase.